I'm a full time coach, husband and father. My coaching journey started with the realisation that I needed help to become the man I wanted to be. Somewhere along the road, I realised that the support I had found in being coached was exactly what I could bring to others. 

Hi! I'm Andy

About Me

This is my story...

Specialising in Coaching Husbands and Fathers

My desire to be a great husband, father and man is strong. To provide for my growing family, treat my wife with love and respect, be present in every moment with my kids and build a life that’s fun and exciting.

I want family and friends to see me as that relaxed man who people enjoy the company of, not stressed but at ease. Ultimately, I want to be proud of two things: the things other people say about me, and the legacy I leave.

A couple of years ago I realised I wasn’t this man. I felt overwhelmed by my mental load, and was seeing behaviours I wasn't happy with in myself. Life had an underlying stress that was affecting my relationships, daily rhythm, and my internal sense of fulfilment.

I’m married with a child under 2 and another on the way, as well as the regular stuff life throws at you and sometimes, in fact quite often, it all seems like a lot. You’re up early in the morning, already trying to balance your own need to get out of the door with the family's needs to have breakfast, not to walk poo round the house because the nappy needed changing an hour ago, and to avoid the feeling of running from a burning building when you say goodbye for work.
And that's just what's going on before 9am- we haven't scratched the surface of what it can be like to come home knackered, with no time for yourself and having to relieve the pressures of home life enough to get dinner on the table and kids to bed. The finish line is sleep, but that's often delayed by a sense of unfulfillment that leaves you scrolling on your phone and robbing yourself of the rest you need. And the juggling act begins again tomorrow. 

I’m married and we have a child under 2 and another on the way, as well as the regular stuff life throws at you and sometimes, in fact quite often, it all seems like a lot. You’re up early in the morning, already trying to balance your own need to get out of the door with the family's needs to have breakfast, not to walk poo round the house because the nappy needed changing an hour ago, and to avoid the feeling of running from a burning building when you say goodbye for work.

And that's just what's going on before 9am- we haven't scratched the surface of what it can be like to come home knackered, with no time for yourself and having to relieve the pressures of home life enough to get dinner on the table and kids to bed. The finish line is sleep, but that's often delayed by a sense of unfulfillment that leaves you scrolling on your phone and robbing yourself of the rest you need. And the juggling act begins again tomorrow. 

"Stressed, unhappy and unfulfilled" had become my internal dialogue

When I realised that my reality was far from the person I wanted to become, and that the actions I was taking were not helping me get there, something had to change. I had already begun my pursuit of full-time coaching and it wasn’t until I started to implement the tools, techniques and training I was learning and teaching that I saw real change. I was no longer overwhelmed, tired and stressed. Instead I began to see the future I’d been missing: healthier conversations and relationships, enjoying life with my young family, spending time on things that are important to me and bring me life and ultimately feeling alive again!

I know firsthand the power of being coached to getting hold of the life we want and deserve which is why I believe it's going to change your life.

Poole, dorset

Andy lives in Poole, on the south coast with wife Beth and their young daughter. Together they love coffee, local walks and tolerate their two unhinged cats.

Luke- Media business owner

"Coaching has helped re-shape my thinking and confidence in so many areas around my business and my own personal worth"

Will- Sales Trader (France)

"I found the coaching to be extremely valuable; not only has it given me foundational tools to use when approaching concerns that crop up in my life, it has also changed the way I address problems fundamentally. 


"Andy's insightful questioning helped me to understand the root of issues and what I could do to move forward"

denise- ICu nurse

"Andy was genuinely interested in my life and in helping me to progress."